The Equestrian Index represents the largest and most comprehensive collection of business data and contact information for the UK equestrian market. Since its inception in 2012, The Equestrian Index has been leading the field, offering up-to-the-minute information on over 18,000 businesses to more than 260,000 equestrian consumers annually.

Our platform stands out as the go-to resource for equestrian products and services, providing significant advantages over general online searches. By focusing exclusively on the equestrian industry, we ensure that you receive targeted and relevant results without the hassle of sifting through irrelevant information. This specialization allows us to deliver tailored content that meets the specific needs of equestrians, making your search process efficient and straightforward.

Our commitment to quality is reflected in our validated listings, which guarantee efficient, reliable, and comprehensive access to the resources you need. Whether you're looking for a local tack shop, a riding school, coach, equine dental technician, a revamp on your stables or a new surface for your arena, The Equestrian Index helps you find exactly what you want, where and when you need it.

Dive in and experience the benefits of using a dedicated equestrian directory that prioritises your needs and connects you to the businesses that are there to support your horse habit!


Meet the Founder...


Amanda Watson

Founder and Managing Director

Amanda is passionate about and has been actively involved in the equestrian sector on both a personal and professional level for well over thirty years. Amanda holds a BSc(Hons) Equine Science, is a qualified coach, has managed equestrian facilities in the UK and overseas, lectured to degree level in equestrian subjects, worked in sector development, been industry representative on the National Council for School Sports and supported over 200 hardworking volunteers.

Skills developed outside the sector include editing, content writing, sales and marketing, market research and business development.

She is never happier than when she is able to offer a genuine solution or new perspective on a business problem and believes that listening, flexibility and a willingness to try something out of the ordinary are key to the strength and longevity of the relationships Watsons forges with its clients.

When she is not wearing one of these hats, she can be found brushing mud off her 34 year old gelding William, walking the 15 year old and now ‘obedient’ Finn, performing in a 60's, West Coast California covers band and generally appreciating the finer things in life – perhaps not to be expanded upon here!    


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