Posted: 16th February 2015 | Back to news feed

When Northumberland based rider, Julie Wright bought Ivor, a chestnut Thoroughbred ex-racehorse, back in August 2013 he was unhappy and in poor condition.

She put his lack of topline and muscle tone down to an incorrect diet and intolerance to cereal grains.

Said Julie: “When I purchased Ivor he was very poor and I knew it would take time for this to improve.  He windsucked and was quite grumpy and stressful to be around.

“He showed all the traits of having a sensitive stomach and I found that he couldn’t tolerate feeds with cereal grains in them. The condition he came to me in suggested that his original diet had certainly not been right for him.

“Over time I managed to get his weight up and he started to hold his condition only dropping off during the winter months. Being a chestnut I found Ivor to be a really sensitive horse and he was particularly grumpy to groom and girth up with his ears flat back and pulling faces.

“After seeing the new TopSpec UlsaKind Cubes advertised recently I rang the TopSpec nutritional helpline to find out more and what they would recommend feeding him on.

“Within four days of feeding UlsaKind Cubes I noticed a huge difference in him. The cubes are cereal-grain-free and low in starch but also contain lots of ingredients to reduce stomach acidity and coat the stomach lining. Ivor became a lot more mellow, relaxed and happier to be around and touch. It doesn’t sound much but I feel our bond has grown stronger with his new happier and more relaxed outlook on life especially around grooming time.

“He has been hunting through the winter and already he has maintained his condition and his coat looks super shiny. UlsaKind Cubes will most definitely be part of Ivor’s diet from now on, he looks in great condition even in the middle of winter and he is so much more happy and comfortable being groomed and touched!”

Julie and Ivor, who has a fantastic jump and even managed to unseat a fair few jockeys, started their eventing career at BE90 level last season and hope to continue their success and move up to BE100 level this season.

For more information on TopSpec UlsaKind Cubes visit or call the TopSpec Nutritional Helpline on 01845 565030.

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