Posted: 28th January 2015 | Back to news feed

Successful reproduction is dependent on the health and well-being of both the mare and stallion and the role that correct nutrition plays in breeding should not be underestimated.

 In order to be in the best possible health, mares and stallions need to be fed the correct balance of high quality nutrients, to support fertility and conception, as well as provide a healthy environment for breeding a foal.

 During the pregnancy the un-born foal relies on the nutrients fed to its mother for development and to provide the foal with the best start in life.

 A large amount of effort goes into the care of the mare both before and after conception but the nutritional needs of the stallion should also be considered as stallions can lose condition quickly during the covering season.

 Newborn foals rely on their mother’s colostrum and milk for nutrients for growth, as well as establishing a healthy immune system. Lactation places a huge drain on the mare’s nutrients, placing her at risk of losing condition if she is not provided with sufficient energy to maintain her own body weight as well as produce nutritious milk.

 Weaning time can be stressful for both the mare and foal, with the foal needing to be in the best possible health to cope with being separated from its mother, stress related diarrhoea in foals is a common problem associated with weaning.

 Lifeforce Formula is specially designed for breeding horses, helping to improve the reproductive health of both mares and stallions, allowing horses to maximise nutrient uptake from their diet, by enhancing fibre digesting bacteria.

 This will help provide essential nutrients to the mare during the gestation period and while lactating, and benefit the stallion during the pressure of the covering season.

Containing all natural ingredients it supports fermentation of feeds and forages in the caecum, as well as immune function. Lifeforce Formula also contains organic trace minerals that help maintain mare milk quality and promote healthy growth in young foals.

 Lifeforce Formula can also benefit the foal during weaning to help strengthen the immune system and combat the effects of stress related diarrhoea.

 A 5kg Tub of Lifeforce Formula retails at £90 and is a three month supply.

 For further information please visit or telephone 01780

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