Posted: 30th July 2015 | Back to news feed

It’s been a wonderful summer of al-fresco rides, sunny show days and lazy walks to the field. The next phase on the equine calendar is still just as picturesque, but autumn does bring with it the transition from summer turnout to more stable time. Your equine’s stable environment will become a bigger part of his life over the next few months, so it’s important to ensure that it provides the highest possible levels of comfort and cleanliness.

Nedz products boast all of the key ingredients for a happy, healthy stable this season:

  1. Both Nedz      Original and Nedz Pro go      through a rigorous dust extraction process, creating a non-toxic      environment for your horse whilst he is stabled through autumn and winter.
  2. Nedz chopped straw has high levels of      absorbency. It soaks up urine, which in turn reduces the levels of ammonia      in the environment. The result is a cleaner, fresher and more hygienic      stable.
  3. All Nedz      bedding features the organic Natural      Nedz formula - a unique blend of Manuka, Cade Oil and Aloe Vera. Natural Nedz has anti-bacterial,      antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic properties and improves      hygiene by helping kill bacteria and viruses spread by insects. Cade Oil discourages      insects, while the stable remains fresh smelling.
  4. Natural Nedz also features Silver. When used      in the stable, silver has been seen to help kill harmful virus-spreading      bacteria and other pathogens and the natural healing powers assist in      supporting your equine’s health and immunity.

As the nights start to draw in, turn to Nedz for the ideal autumn bedding solution. Nedz Original and Nedz Pro are priced between £6.50 - £8.50 per 20kg bale. For more information about Nedz visit the website or tel: 01254 677 762.

The Equestrian Index newsfeed is compiled from articles submitted by advertising members and expresses the opinions of those members. Watsons Directories Ltd shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies or mis-statements therein.

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